The “Biz Hours Video Call” assumes that you have specific questions and/or a draft Business Plan/ Pitch Deck that you would like to have reviewed, and includes a total of 3 hours spent by an experienced consultant, typically split as follows:
✓ 1 Hour Review of your draft Business Plan/ Pitch Deck & specific questions
✓ 1 Hour Video Call to discuss your draft Business Plan/ Pitch Deck & questions
✓ 1 Hour PDF Executive Summary of Review & Video Call with written recommendations
Our “Rewrite & Redesign” service takes your final draft Business Plan/ Pitch Deck in a text, presentation or spreadsheet format and customizes it according to your brand/industry. It includes a process of editing/reviewing/checking the assumptions on the content of your Business Plan/ Pitch Deck as well as visually enhancing it with imagery/graphics/branding etc by a Designer, allowing you to benefit from a total of two revisions before the final Business Plan/ Pitch Deck is delivered to you.
It includes a process of editing/reviewing/checking the assumptions on the content of your Business Plan/ Pitch Deck as well as visually enhancing it with imagery/graphics/branding etc by a Designer, allowing you to benefit from a total of two revisions before the final Business Plan/ Pitch Deck is delivered to you.
Our from “Scratch to Hatch” service assumes you haven’t yet started or are in the very early stages of writing your Business Plan/ Pitch Deck, and will take you on a journey from scratch to a fully written & designed Business Plan/ Pitch Deck. It assumes you reserve time out of your busy schedule to regularly check-up with us several times per week and
It assumes you reserve time out of your busy schedule to regularly check-up with us as needed, and send us your feedback and any missing information while we write & design your Business Plan / Pitch Deck from scratch.
Finally, the most affordable DIY option is to get one of our Sample Business Plans Ebooks from our Shop . The ebooks are industry-specific and can be used as a reference guide while you write & design your own Business Plan.